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Writer's pictureHaylee Conklin

This Sunday's Service

Updated: Apr 23, 2024

Text and Title

"You Have Brought on Me a Great Sin"

This week's text comes from Genesis 20.

Taught by: Pastor Tim Boger

Sunday School Classes

Bible From the Ground Up

As Christians, it's crucial to cultivate a desire for reading the Bible. Yet, many of us often feel overwhelmed by various factors. However, delving into the Bible allows us to intimately know God—what a privilege! In this class, my aim is to enhance our reading and comprehension of God's Word. To achieve this goal, we will adopt two approaches: first, a comprehensive overview focusing on creating a structured reading plan, understanding the nature of the Bible, and its composition; second, a detailed examination of interpreting and comprehending specific passages of Scripture. This week’s topic is “What is the Bible and how did we get it?” and the class will be led by Pastor Aaron. (Classroom 2)

Surviving Religion 101

Whether it is through social media, college, or simply life, young adults face many questions and challenges to their faith. These questions are not without answers. Pastor Robbie and Pastor Stuart are leading high school and college students through this discussion-based study of scripture and the book titled, “Surviving Religion 101” by Michael Kruger. We worship a God who is big enough for our questions and loving enough to care for us in our doubts. This class will meet downstairs in the Youth Room

Genesis Q&A

This class will be formatted as a question-and-answer time where the questions that you have can be submitted on Sunday and discussed during Sunday School. There will be a QR code on your bulletin on Sunday Morning that you can scan and then submit your questions anonymously. After the service, during Sunday School we will sit down and dialogue through your questions together, diving deeper into God’s Word. Be sure to submit your questions on Sunday and join Pastor Tim after the service. (MPR)

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